May 8, 2009

Hudson is 9 months old!

We can't believe ANOTHER month is already gone.
The little man is 3/4 of the way to his 1st birthday.
WOW...that's exiciting! And, those of you that
know me know I've been thinking about his birthday
party for the past 7 weeks.
{Yeah right...for the past 7 months!}
I'm leaning towards a circus or carnival theme and
I only have 3 months to finalize everything...
I better get busy!
Hudson had another fun month.
These are just a few of the highlights:
  • still pulling up on everything in sight
  • says "da-da" often...yeah, he said THAT word first, too...just like his brother
  • watched his big brother hit a home run
  • fell out of our bed {!}
  • celebrated Dad's birthday for the first time {loved the icecream cake!}
  • loves to "pat-a-cake"

Hudson, these are just a few of the reasons you make our lives so enjoyable. I know I say this EVERY month, but I just get cuter and sweeter every day. Your little personality is the best and that little smile that comes with it....even better!

We love to watch as you sit in the pack-n-play. Your curiosity about every toy is priceless. Seems like you touch everything in there until you decide which one you might want to spend a little bit of time with.

So cute.

Little buddy, we love you more than words can say.

You're a blessing that we are thankful for every day!

We love you sooooooo much!

Dad, Mom and your best Big Bro


This is what it's like to take these monthly pictures.

Not so easy anymore...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
***P.S. Thanks Kim for the adorable outfit...
a bubble suit with baseball stuff on it...
Alan {who normally isn't a fan of these} even liked it!

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