And here's everything in between...
of one of the silly mirrors. Check out Hudson's head {and Alan's nose}!
Too funny.
There were a lot more smiles than tears, but it sure is tough to see this little guy get so upset. He got 4 more shots and we were at the doctor's office for 2 hours, so all 3 of us were almost in tears by the time we got to leave! We got another good report from Dr. Cheek. Here are a few of the highlights....
* 22 pounds {!!!}
* 27.5 inches
* Hudson is a graduate! He has moved up to Step 2 foods! Dr. Cheek said it is time for this boy
to start eating meats and a little bit of table food {bananas, carrots, anything we can turn to
"mush"}. Appetizing, right?
Anyway, our boy continues to grow right in front of our eyes and just gets cuter by the day. And, he has 2 teeth now! Won't be long and he'll be eating Reese Cups, Cheez-Its and Big Texas Cinnamon Rolls with big brother. I have a feeling our grocery bill is going to put us in the poor house in a few years.
Thank you for keeping us up-to-date Michele. We love going online to see the latest pictures. Of course, we really like to see ya'll in person, but the pictures do help for the time in between.
Michele, these pictures are SO cute! They make me want to come over to your house and HUG and KISS all over that sweet boy!!
I really like all of that "hunky fat" too. Thanks for sharing
your life with us! :)
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