November 8, 2008

Hudson is 3 months old!

We can't believe 3 months have passed since we brought our sweet baby boy home! You are becoming such a big boy right in front of our eyes! Your sweet personality is so precious and you are doing the cutest things. Your smiles are turning into little chuckles and your eyes light up when you get excited about something. You are too cute for words!

You also started sleeping in your own room this month! And, you're sleeping through the night! Dad and I are so glad you like the room we worked so hard on for you.

Mom went back to work this week. You have no idea how much I've missed you. You're days are spent with Mimi now, so that is the only way I was able to go back and not be worried sick about you. You don't realize it now, but you are so lucky to spend your days with her. Your big brother did it and look how sweet he turned out! I know she's loving on you like crazy.

Thank you for bringing so much joy and love to our little family in 3 short months. You're a blessing we thought we'd never have and I hope you realize one day how thankful we are that God gave you to us. You're such a sweet boy and we can't wait to see what sweet, cute and funny things you will do over the next 3 months.

We love you so much, little buddy....

Mom, Dad and Preston

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michele, this is such a sweet message! Reading it brought tears to my eyes!

I hope that you are printing and saving these messages for your boys. They will mean so much to them.

You are doing such an awesome job on this blog!! :)
