December 29, 2008

A check up with Dr. Cheek....

I've always heard that a chubby baby is the sign of a healthy baby.
Well, Mr. Hudson must be one healthy boy.
Check this out...

Yep...that says 19 pounds, 11 ounces! That's only in the 95th percentile for weight. :) He's 25 1/2 inches long and Dr. Cheek said he looks "just great". Once again, he was a real trooper... even after 5 more shots! He's not quite old enough to dread the doctor's office yet, but if they keep this up, Mom and Dad are going to dread it enough for all of us! I know the shots are part of it, but I sure do hate to see the little man cry. I bet he thought how can these nurses be so nice to me and then stick me so many times!?!?!

Don't you know the doctor just loved having a crazy, picture taking, blogging Mom standing over her shoulder while she checked ears, lungs, eyes, limbs and everything else in between?!

At the end of the day, all is well. Another round of shots behind him, a great report from the doctor and a 3 hour afternoon nap.

Life is good.

*Edited to add: A lot of people have been asking us if Hudson is bigger than Preston was. Well, I was looking at Preston's baby calendar tonight and there's not much difference. At 4 months, Preston was exactly the same height (25 1/2 inches) and weighed 17 pounds, 11 ounces to Hudson's 19 pounds, 11 ounces. And, the picture of Preston I had put in the calendar at this age looks exactly like Hudson. So, it looks like I may have another Preston on my hands in a few years.

I'm totally ok with that. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet Hudson! He looks so happy to be there and then they give him the shots! Yes, I think you have another Preston on your hands... which is a great thing!!